Easter Egg Tree

Easter Egg Tree

Easter is approaching and the Easter bunny must be hard at work. This week I decided to share with you a long-lasting decoration tradition in my family. It’s a very simple DIY project. This Easter Egg Tree is a beautiful and fun representation of the Easter holiday. Let’s get started!

Supplies we will need for this project:
Branches (with thorns or thick branch offs)
Marshmallows (I purchased the ones in the shape of bunnies and chicks)
A Nail (or something with a sharp edge to create a hole)
Easter Basket Grass
Sturdy Bucket or Basket
Black Wire
Wire Cutter
Old Newspaper or Junk Paper
Eggs On Strings

The Easter Egg Tree creates a great center piece for a coffee table or corner decoration which will be a stand out for your living space. Branches can be a hard find. I found branches with thorns while on I walk with my mom but if you can not find something similar, you can always you regular branches but make sure they are sturdy, strong, and will be able to hold up right with all the decorations that will be placed on them.

To begin, you will need to decide where you want your tree to sit because once you decoration it, it will be very difficult to move. Decide where you want you tree to be displayed at and to start the setup you will need to collect your branches into tree form. Collect your branches and tie them together using your wire. Place the tied branches into bucket or basket and cushion in with balled-up newspaper.

Then next step is to take you nail and place a small hole into your jellybeans. Do not go through the jellybean all the way. I usually do all the jellybeans at once and place them in a container as I go. Once you have your jellybeans all done, you can start placing them on your tree. Try not to place the same colored jellybeans near each other. You don’t have to use all the jellybeans. How many you use or do not use is up to you.

After you have your jellybeans on the tree, you can place you marshmallows on the tree. Finally place you sting eggs on the tree. These can go on the same limbs as the jellybeans or marshmallows. Everything does not have to be spread out but you can leave some of the smaller limbs bare if you wish.

After all your decorations are on the tree place you grass on in the basket or bucket to cover the newspaper and fill the bucket or basket to make the tree seem as is it is coming out of the grass. This is the final step and now you have your Easter Egg Tree! In the gallery at the end of this post, I add a picture of a mini version that I created for my dorm. I took a wire tree which I found in the Dollar Store and small and larger jellybeans to create a small version of the Easter Egg Tree. Please take a look. Let me know you thoughts on this DIY project. If you try it, let me know how it worked out for you.

How Much I Spent On Supplies:
Branches: $0.00
JellyBeans $1.00
Marshmallows $1.50
A Nail $0.00
Easter Basket Grass $1.50
Sturdy Bucket or Basket $0.00 (usually a bigger basket/bucket costs $5-$7)
Black Wire $0.00
Wire Cutter $0.00
Old Newspaper or Junk Paper $0.00
Eggs On Strings $1.00
TOTAL: $5.00

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