Cotton Ball Potted Plants

Finished Jars I waned to do a DIY project for to bring a more Spring feeling to my room since the weather has been dreary recently. I found a project idea for plant that grow in cotton balls. This project reminded me of my days in kindergarten when we grew plants in cups with a wt paper towel. So let’s start planting! Continue reading

Reasons Why I Love You Jar

Finished Reason Jar   Today I decided to do another DIY jar project. I got the idea for this project from messages in bottles. I thought it would be a cute decor idea that could even be given as gift. You can give it to a sister, mother, father, wife, husband, or any loved one you have in mind. This is a great gift to give and can be read by the person whenever he/she is feeling down to bring a smile to his/her face.

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St. Patrick’s Day Jar


I know it’s a little late but….Happy St. Patrick’s Day Everyone!

This was supposed to be posted yesterday but I was extremely busy. I had trouble finding a DIY idea for this week. I wanted to go with the St. Patty’s Day theme but it was rather difficult to find any project that I really thought I would enjoy doing. I tried a few but got easily frustrated so I decided on a St. Patrick’s Day jar.

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Goal & Dream Jar

Goal & Dream JarThis next project was one of my own ideas but has probably been done by countless a number of people. This is once again a very simple, inexpensive but beautiful creation. The goal and dream jar holds all my goals for the year. I created this jar a year ago for 2014 and have decided to share it with you. Although we are already into the third month of 2015, I thought that it’s never to late to put your goals into words. It is known that if someone writes down his/her goals or tells another person about them, he/she is more likely to accomplish them because they are more accountable now.

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Origami Balloon String Lights

Origami Balloon LightsOn my recent search of DIY projects, I found one that seemed very simple and used supplies  that I already had at home which was great! This project involves creating origami balloons and string lights. Origami is the art of folding paper. Many things can be created by folding paper. The options are endless. So let’s start folding!

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Mod Podge: Canvas Art

Mod Podge Canvas ArtEver find pictures when searching a site or Google Images that you want to hang up on your wall in your room? Today, I found a great diy project that allows you to take your favorite pictures and turn them into canvas art that you can hang up on your wall. Before I start, I want to explain what Mod Podge is to you. Mod Podge is a water-based sealer, glue, and finish. It can be bought at any local crafts store or store that sells part supplies. It is a great supply to have on hand in any diy craft kit!

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