St. Patrick’s Day Jar


I know it’s a little late but….Happy St. Patrick’s Day Everyone!

This was supposed to be posted yesterday but I was extremely busy. I had trouble finding a DIY idea for this week. I wanted to go with the St. Patty’s Day theme but it was rather difficult to find any project that I really thought I would enjoy doing. I tried a few but got easily frustrated so I decided on a St. Patrick’s Day jar.

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Mod Podge: Canvas Art

Mod Podge Canvas ArtEver find pictures when searching a site or Google Images that you want to hang up on your wall in your room? Today, I found a great diy project that allows you to take your favorite pictures and turn them into canvas art that you can hang up on your wall. Before I start, I want to explain what Mod Podge is to you. Mod Podge is a water-based sealer, glue, and finish. It can be bought at any local crafts store or store that sells part supplies. It is a great supply to have on hand in any diy craft kit!

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